

The exhibition is co-curated with the universities of applied sciences and the Art Town.

The Joint Curatorial Team has selected twelve recently graduated artists for the exhibition.

Members of the Curatorial Team:

Taina Erävaara (Turku UAS) 
Marika Holm (Novia UAS) 
Antti Korkka (Art Town Mänttä-Vilppula) 
Eija Mustonen (LAB UAS) 
Fanny Niemi-Junkola (Tampere UAS) 
Eija Rajalin (Lapland UAS) 
Matti Velhonoja (Satakunta UAS) 
Ville-Karel Viirelaid (Art Town Mänttä-Vilppula) 

Kuvataiteen valtakunta

kuvataiteenvaltakunta(at) Myllyrannantie 5, 35820 Mänttä

+358 (0)44 202 7766

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